New tracks and new EP coming soon!
italo disco, chillout, romantic synth dreams
Released in the meantime:
double remix album
Revised Complexities Vol.1 , Revised Complexities Vol.2
All rights reserved!
All sounds effect & Music by: MFLEX SOUNDS
Executive produced by: Dmc Allofmusic
Thanks comments for advance! 😉
More info & Social:
►Mflex Sounds Official Youtube Channel
►Dmcallofmusic Official Youtube Channel
Joy and share it the whole World from Mflex’s Sounds with Love!
This record in video includes intentionally copyright sound protection!
This track only available on the Reflection album for the time being, but later it will be available individually too.
Mflex Sounds releases and albums are available all big music stores:
iTunes, Apple Music, Google Play, Amazon, Bandcamp, Pandora, Deezer, Tidal, YouTube, Spotify, Microsoft Groove, and more…
and more